Elemental Self-Care

A workshop series for women and vulva owners searching for more ease, alignment, and embodiement.

Explore embodied self-care through the elements!

What would it feel like to feel totally secure in your sense of self?

To feel more confident and clearer in your boundaries, wants, needs, and the path forward.

Feeling more centered and peaceful, experiencing ease and deep regulation of your emotions.

Finding it easier to connect with others, be vulnerable, and receive more love from yourself.

What would it feel like to experience all that while also reducing anxiety, stress, pain, and fatigue so you have the energy to enjoy life more fully?

What You Desire is possible!

I’ve spent the last 20+ years supporting women and vulva owners just like you to embrace their authentic selves, create confidence, and live more in their bodies with more peace and ease.

As a neurospicy woman with CPTSD who’s overcome massive trauma and now experiences self-love, joy, presence, happiness, and success on my terms I can say with certainty that everything you desire is possible.

My mission is to help you reconnect with yourself in a more grounded, holistic, and empowered way that embraces your authenticity and aligns with the organic flow of nature.

We gain so much insight from nature and develop a path forward that clears confusion and quiets the noise of others’ opinions and expectations.

Each element teaches us lessons we can apply to caring for ourselves and connecting to the outside world.

Each workshop within this series is designed to help you embody the elements and utilize their teachings to create a more centered and present life.

After This Workshop Series, You'll:

  • Experience deep relaxation and stress relief through grounding practices.

  • Cultivate a sense of stability and security within yourself.

  • Learn nourishing self-care rituals to support your overall well-being.

  • Enhance your connection with nature and the Earth's healing energies.

  • Cultivate mental clarity and focus through breathwork techniques.

  • Enhance communication skills and express your authentic self.

  • Tap into your inner creativity and inspiration.

  • Release tension and anxiety, leaving you feeling light and free.

  • Ignite your passion and reconnect with your sense of purpose.

  • Release stagnant energy and invite in new beginnings.

  • Heal emotional wounds and release past traumas with compassion.

  • Cultivate emotional resilience and adaptability in the face of change.

  • Tap into your inner wisdom and intuition to guide you through your life's journey.

  • Cultivate a sense of inner peace and alignment with your authentic self.

  • Integrate the wisdom of the elements into your daily life for holistic well-being.

  • Create a personalized self-care plan tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

  • Foster a deep connection with yourself, others, and the natural world.


Tell me more about each workshop?

Earth - Grounding and Nourishment

Earth anchors us and provides infinite abundance when we build a supportive relationship with it. This workshop will help you create a more grounded alignment with the abundant resources needed to support your life and success.

Air - Breath & Mental Clarity

Air welcomes creativity through words, thoughts, and ideas. This workshop will focus on harnessing your creativity and amplifying the power of your inner wisdom to let your brilliance shine through.

Fire - Energy & Transformation

Fire is a dynamic energy that can create and destroy. This workshop will focus on releasing what needs to be released and building the capacity to hold abundance as you pave a path toward your desires.

Water- Emotional Capacity & Flow

Water is about flowing with our emotions and alchemizing them to facilitate healing and change. This workshop will teach you to dance with your emotions and develop security in being vulnerable with yourself and others.

Spirit- Connection & Inner Wisdom

Spirit is our connection to others and universal oneness. This workshop will help you clarify your needs, wants, expectations, and boundaries while welcoming aligned support and secure connection.

Integration & Embodiment

This workshop will help you clarify what action steps to take for a cohesive self-care plan. You'll explore how to embody each element and utilize them to build a life and even career/business more aligned with your authentic self.

Who is this series for?

  • Women/vulva-owning on a healing journey and seeking a better relationship with themselves and nature.

  • Those with childhood trauma and wounds and/or neurodivergence who desire more peace, ease, and a way of living that supports your unique expression.

  • Those ready to embrace sustainable, regenerative ways of living that support emotional regulation and capacity.

This is for you if:

  • You desire to connect authentically with yourself, your body, and nature.

  • You understand healing and growth is a long-term journey and you welcome the process.

  • You have an understanding of your struggles and triggers and you’re ready to experience more ease.

  • You desire to be in a supportive space where you can unmask and be yourself while also supporting others to do the same.

This isn’t for you if:

  • You’re looking for quick-fix solutions or perfection in an imperfect world.

  • You have a lot of trauma around being in group spaces and don’t feel truly ready to connect.

  • Practitioners not aligned with the values of authenticity and sustainability.

  • You haven’t yet developed enough emotional awareness to tell when you’re experiencing a trauma response and are unable to manage that in space with others.

What is the workshop flow?

Each of the first 5 workshop explores a specific element, and the 6th and final workshop is designed to integrate everything you’ve learned and apply it to your life moving forward with some planning work and embodiment exercises.

The format for each workshop is:

  • Introduction to the Element (15 minutes)

  • Meditation or Breathwork Practice (15 minutes)

  • Somatic Movement Flow (a fusion of yoga and sensual movement) (30 minutes)

  • Break out rooms to connect and discuss with other participants (15 minutes)

  • Integration & Closing discussion (10 minutes)

  • Closing the Circle (5 minutes)

When are the Workshops?

  • Earth: June 2nd at 10:30am EST or June 5th at 6:30pm EST

  • Air: June 9th at 10:30am EST or June 12th at 6:30pm EST

  • Fire: June 23rd at 10:30am EST or June 26th at 6:30pm EST

  • Water: July 7th at 10:30am EST or June 10th at 6:30pm EST

  • Spirit: July 21st at 10:30am EST or July 31st at 6:30pm EST

  • Integration & Embodiment: August 4th at 10:30am EST or August 14th at 6:30pm EST

What’s the cost?

Each workshop is $35 however you can purchase all 6 for $175 and get 1 free!

*If you choose to pay for the package, you’ll need to purchase that first and then you’ll receive an email to register for your timeslots*

Register Now and Embrace the Elements!

My Methodology

Somatic Experiencing

We know from tons of research that the body holds unresolved emotions and traumas.

Your organs and brain are connected and when there are unprocessed emotions those organs keep sending alerts to your brain that you’re in danger.

Over time that throws your hormones out of balance creating physical illness and dysregulation.

That leads to things like gut issues, chronic pain/fatigue, menstrual health issues, autoimmune issues, struggles managing anxiety, ADHD, and AuDHD meaning you fluctuate between spiraling, shut down, and meltdowns when overstimulated.

Talk therapy focuses on a top-down approach to intellectually understand why you are the way you are, but it doesn’t help resolve these issues, somatics does!

Somatic Experiencing is an umbrella term for methods that work to bring awareness to what you feel within your body as it relates to your patterns to then release the impact of those patterns.

Our brain’s only job is to keep us alive so the idea of changing our beliefs and patterns scares the hell out of it.

This is why somatic experiencing is so effective for the neurospicy mind.

It rewires our neuropathways through the nervous system, so our brain allows us to shift the beliefs associated with our patterns.

That means it becomes possible to make changes in your life.

Creating new patterns and beliefs that allow you to have everything you desire feels safe and pleasurable.

Parts Work

A lot of us experience the frustration of noticing ourselves repeating particular patterns and feeling like a part of us is resistant to change.

This happens because nearly 80% of our patterns and beliefs about ourselves come from our formative years which means those beliefs are still subconsciously running the show.

Parts work aka IFS Therapy helps unburden those younger parts of us that learned to feel unworthy, not good enough, fear rejection and failure, etc. by helping them receive the love, safety, and acceptance they always desired.

That unburdening process helps ease the inner critic voice that holds us back and sabotages our success allowing us to integrate these parts of us in a loving, compassionate way.

Once we’re able to do that we can connect with the empowered parts of ourselves that have big dreams and the wisdom to make them a reality.

This entire method is designed to be a gentle process and it’s becoming gaining a lot of momentum in the trauma-healing world due to its effectiveness.

My unique method of Parts Work also infuses Sensorimotor Processing.

Because the body holds a blueprint of our wounds these parts often show up as a body sensation and can impact the health of our bodies as well as create pain.

We can use those sensations to connect with the parts while alleviating pain and discomfort.

Then we use movement exercises and grounding practices associated with our empowered selves to rewire how the nervous system responds to our desires and goals making it possible to transform your life!

Earth & Elemental Magic

What if I told you that reclaiming your inner witch—the wild, untamed aspect of yourself is the key to unlocking your true potential?

Think about it—how much were you taught about working with your hormones and embracing the natural cycles of your body?

Chances are, not much. And the sad truth is, we're still not having these conversations because we're too scared to talk about pleasure or what's natural and normal to experience throughout our menstrual cycles, as we age, or during times of stress and change.

The women who were healers, herbalists, and midwives in their villages carried centuries of wisdom in their bones. But sadly, these wise women were silenced to promote the idea that the leaders of the church knew better.

As a result, we were taught to turn away from the natural world that helped us maintain our health and well-being.

What if we embraced a more holistic approach—one that normalizes our experiences and addresses the root causes of issues like PCOS, Endometriosis, Vaginismus, chronic pain, and autoimmune issues along with all the stress and anxiety we deal with?

We develop more confidence and self-trust which allows us to stop living for others and start living for ourselves.

Imagine feeling so good inside and out that you can confidently talk to anyone, do anything, and be anything you want to be.

The lunar cycles, seasons, and elements are all mimicked within our bodies and when we start realigning with nature massive healing is possible.


  • Each workshop is approximately 90 minutes long, including time for Q&A sessions.

  • Absolutely! This workshop series caters to individuals of all levels of experience, from beginners to seasoned practitioners and you don’t have to consider yourself spiritual at all. This workshop is about the spiritual connection to nature.

  • Yes! I prioritize engagement and participation throughout the workshop. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions, discussions, and sharing insights with fellow participants.

  • Yes, each workshop will be recorded and made available for registered participants who may not be able to attend the live session. This allows you to revisit the content at your convenience or catch up if you miss the live event.

  • Yes, each workshop in the series offers 2 timeslots so if you need to switch you’ll have 48 hours to switch. If it’s not possible you will have access to the workshop recording.

  • Absolutely! These workshops are designed to meet you at any level of experience. Whether you're new to somatic work or have lots of experience with it, you'll find valuable insights and practices to support your journey.

  • Upon registration, you will receive an email confirmation with details on how to access the workshop. This will include the date, time, and a link to join the live session. If you opt for the recorded version, you will receive instructions on how to access the recording after the live event.

  • Each workshop and the package payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • Even if you have limitations in movement and mobility you can still do any of the movement practices. I’ve had clients with rods down their spines, partial paralysis, scoliosis, fibromyalgia, and many other limitations that we worked around and with. I will always modify as needed.