Welcome to the

Embodied Business Coven

A course for neurospicy women/vulva-owning entrepreneurs on a mission to build success on their terms!

Building Success with Clarity, Ease, and Confidence!

I’m so excited you’re here!

I’ve spent the last 20+ years working with women and vulva owners just like you and I can’t even begin to describe the magic you’re about to experience.

As a fellow neurospicy woman with CPTSD who’s overcome massive trauma and now experiences success, confidence, and clarity in my business on my terms I can say with certainty that everything you desire is possible.

Most of us grew up struggling to mask, regulate our emotions, and maintain high levels of productivity leading to a lot of self-doubt, struggle, and inconsistency in success.

We fluctuate between being hyper-focused and our energy bottoming out leading to shut down, spiraling, and fearing failure.

We’ve been made to believe that to be successful we have to run our businesses the way everyone else does, promote them the way everyone else does, and we have to fix our neurospicy brains because their too unfocused!

Yes, you feel scattered and overwhelmed, struggling to chart a clear path for growth, stuck in a whirlwind of tasks and ideas without a solid plan.

Yes, promoting your business and asserting its value feels daunting amidst online noise telling you which way is the right way.

Yes, attempting to follow generic advice leads to burnout, leaving you frustrated and exhausted.

But that’s not because you need to be fixed!

What you need is a better way that teaches you to embrace the superpower that is your brain and craft a strategy that resonates with your energy and objectives.

It's time to break free from external noise and focus on your inner compass to build a structure that supports your creativity and regulates your nervous system.

My mission is to help you reconnect with yourself in a more grounded, holistic, and empowered way that embraces your neurospicy mind.

I’m here to help you build a structure for your business that supports you and frees you from all the doubt, shame, and fear so you can tap into your inner magic and intuition to succeed unmasked and on your terms!

Let's cultivate certainty and clarity in your vision, developing a personalized strategy aligned with your values and lifestyle.

Together, we'll create actionable steps tailored to your schedule, fostering sustainable business growth.

The best part is you’re joining a mission of over 20,000+ women and vulva owners to embrace your wildest, witchiest, most empowered self!

Are you ready?

Use these links to easily check out the details!

Welcome to Matriarchal Success…

Studies show that women and vulva owners who build close connections with one another live longer, happier, healthier lives.

In the right setting, we encourage, lift up, and cheer each other on while also providing the tender, loving care we need to get through the struggle.

We’re able to unmask and succeed more holistically when we have that level of support, and this is your space to receive it.

That connection is being matched with inner work and outer action to build a movement!

One where we measure success by the impact we make and how happy, fulfilled, and healthy we are mind, body, and soul.

It’s not just about profit, but profit to support our well-being sustains when we focus on the entire eco-system that is us and our businesses.

What’s possible for you?

  • A clear understanding of what strategies work best for you and implementation of them.

  • Boldly promoting your business in a way that feels fun, easy, and effectively attracts your people.

  • You’ve developed easy-to-use tools and techniques to manage stress and anxiety allowing your business and life to run more smoothly.

  • Better management of your time allowing you to enjoy the process AND your life outside of work.

  • More confidence to share what you offer, your prices, and promote your business allowing more clients and opportunities to roll in.

  • Seeing steady sustainable growth based on your values and goals.

  • Investing in the right systems and support, saving you money, time, and your sanity.

  • More fulfillment in your business and feeling supported by it!

  • More fulfillment in other areas of your life because you feel empowered and aligned.

The Eco-System of an Embodied Business🌿💦🔥💨🔮🌙💖☀️

1. Emotional Regulation & Ease: Clear subconscious wounds around fears of failing, people pleasing, fears of rejection, feeling unworthy, or not enough through a powerful somatic practice and workshopping supportive solutions to manage your doubts while welcoming success.

2. Supporting your Cycle in your Business: Learn how to better flow with your cycle to manage your emotions, intuition, and creativity to work smarter and avoid burnout.

3. Managing your Energy for Sustainable Growth: Learn how the seasons and lunar cycles are mimicked in your body and business to manage your day and time.

4. Using the Elements to Manifest Success: Create a structure for business management based on the elements to match your creativity and passion.

5. Clarifying your Mission & Matching your Values: Tap into your business’s energy, intuition, and empowered self while defining your values and the impact or movement you desire to create.

6. Building Emotional Capacity & Resiliency: Develop the inner skills to hold clients and success and manage resistance to trusting your enoughness and worthiness.

7. Creating Financial Alignment: Develop pricing that supports equitable business practices, and aligns with your financial goals, while clearing resistance to creating consistent and regenerative income.

8. Building an Aligned Marketing Strategy: Create a marketing plan that intuitively matches your vision, communication style, and energy and connects you with your aligned clients.

9. Creating Clear Messaging: Learn to create content and speak about your business in relaxed ways that play into your special interests.

10. Using Automation to Create Structure: Decide what type of automation will help you sustain your business when you experience dips in energy and health.

11. Nurturing a Relationship with your Audience: Learn how to connect and foster relationships with your audience that feel supportive, authentic, genuine, and converts.

12. Managing your trauma responses to Build Policies and Boundaries: Figure out what policies and boundaries you want to set in your business that honor you and your clients and understand how to handle discrepancies and conflict.


✨What’s Included ✨

  • 12 90-Minute Workshops: Dive deep into transformative topics accompanied by powerful somatic practices to transform the eco-system of your business and self for lasting success.

  • 6 75-Minute Support Calls: Get inspired support and intuitive guidance from me through hot seat coaching. That means asking questions specific to your struggles and desires and gaining clarity to take action.

  • Full and New Moon Ceremonies: Immerse yourself in the magic of our monthly full and new moon ceremonies, where we release what no longer serves us through a somatic practice, set intentions based on our aligned desires, and take time for ritual self-care.

  • Convenient App: Stay connected with our community wherever you go with our convenient app, which allows you to connect with other members, schedule coworking dates, network, celebrate your wins, ask questions, and access exclusive content on the go.

When are the coven meetings?

Calls are scheduled via Zoom with recordings going into course documents within 24 hours.

Workshop Dates

Thursdays @ noon EST

September 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th October 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st November 4th, 15th, 21st.

Support Call Dates

Tuesdays @ noon EST

September 10th, 24th October 8th, 22nd November 12th, & 19th.

🌿 My Methodology✨

Somatic Experiencing

We know from tons of research that the body holds unresolved emotions and traumas.

Your organs and brain are connected and when there are unprocessed emotions those organs keep sending alerts to your brain that you’re in danger.

Over time that throws your hormones out of balance creating physical illness and dysregulation.

That leads to things like gut issues, chronic pain/fatigue, menstrual health issues, autoimmune issues, struggles managing anxiety, ADHD, and AuDHD meaning you fluctuate between spiraling, shut down, and meltdowns when overstimulated.

Talk therapy focuses on a top-down approach to intellectually understand why you are the way you are, but it doesn’t help resolve these issues, somatics does!

Somatic Experiencing is an umbrella term for methods that work to bring awareness to what you feel within your body as it relates to your patterns to then release the impact of those patterns.

Our brain’s only job is to keep us alive so the idea of changing our beliefs and patterns scares the hell out of it.

This is why somatic experiencing is so effective for the neurospicy mind.

It rewires our neuropathways through the nervous system, so our brain allows us to shift the beliefs associated with our patterns.

That means it becomes possible to make changes in your life.

Creating new patterns and beliefs that allow you to have everything you desire feels safe and pleasurable.

Parts Work

A lot of us experience the frustration of noticing ourselves repeating particular patterns and feeling like a part of us is resistant to change.

This happens because nearly 80% of our patterns and beliefs about ourselves come from our formative years which means those beliefs are still subconsciously running the show.

Parts work aka IFS Therapy helps unburden those younger parts of us that learned to feel unworthy, not good enough, fear rejection and failure, etc. by helping them receive the love, safety, and acceptance they always desired.

That unburdening process helps ease the inner critic voice that holds us back and sabotages our success allowing us to integrate these parts of us in a loving, compassionate way.

Once we’re able to do that we can connect with the empowered parts of ourselves that have big dreams and the wisdom to make them a reality.

This entire method is designed to be a gentle process and it’s becoming gaining a lot of momentum in the trauma-healing world due to its effectiveness.

My unique method of Parts Work also infuses Sensorimotor Processing.

Because the body holds a blueprint of our wounds these parts often show up as a body sensation and can impact the health of our bodies as well as create pain.

We can use those sensations to connect with the parts while alleviating pain and discomfort.

Then we use movement exercises and grounding practices associated with our empowered selves to rewire how the nervous system responds to our desires and goals making it possible to transform your life!

Regenerative & Sustainable Business

I’ve built 2 successful businesses from the ground up and helped build/consult dozens of other successful businesses using the principles of sustainability.

Your business is like a garden or forest, and we want that lush ecosystem to survive and thrive for years to come.

We want it to sustain its mission, values, and yes profitability to support you.

A lot of budding entrepreneurs make the mistake upfront of not assessing the emotional and energetic capacity they have to operate their businesses daily.

They also don’t assess what automation and systems are most needed to help with sustainable growth, so they end up spending money on services and support that are out of budget and ineffective.

Together we’ll assess what automation and structures you need to promote economic resilience, build connections with your clients that facilitate long-term impact, and sustain your energy along the way.

We’ll look at long-term goals to set you up for innovation and do so in a way that promotes ethical and equitable business practices.

I’ll teach you to mirror the cycles of nature within your business to regulate your nervous system, maximize your creativity, and build a holistic mindset to success.

We’ll build a promotional structure that allows you to use your neurospicy mind’s strengths along with your ethics and values.

That way you can maintain consistency and build a community that supports your mission.

✨What’s Included ✨

This is for you if:

  • You crave developing a more equitable way of doing business and hate all the hustle/bro culture tactics and capitalistic work culture.

  • You have a mission bigger than just earning a lot of money and a desire to create genuine impact and connection.

  • You desire to share your authentic voice with the world.

  • You have an understanding of your struggles and triggers and you’re ready to develop even better strategies for navigating them in business.

  • You desire to be in a supportive space where you can unmask and be yourself while also supporting others to do the same.

  • You’re witchy AF or deeply desire more ritual and earth-based connection in your life and business.

This isn’t for you if:

  • You’re skeptical that it’s possible to run an equitable, ethical business and make enough money to support yourself.

  • You see the only marker of success as having a big bank account.

  • You have a lot of trauma around being in group spaces and don’t feel truly ready to connect with a coven.

  • You have a lot of unprocessed colonial/religious/patriarchal conditioning (we’ll be doing a lot of earth-based practice & discussing the impacts of colonialism that will challenge Judeo-Christian and colonial beliefs and practices in business).

  • You haven’t yet developed enough emotional awareness to tell when you’re experiencing a trauma response and are unable to manage that in space with others.

Are you ready to join the course?!

Payment plans are for 4 consecutive months. If the Supported Plan is still inaccessible for you, please reach out at thevalerieschrader@gmail.com for an extended payment plan option.

Supported Plan

For those with limited financial resources who will benefit from community-supported access.

$188 monthly

Fair Plan

For those with sufficient financial resources and who can pay fair value for the experience.

$222 monthly

Rebalanced Plan

For those with a desire to support access for others to help rebalance systemic inequity.

$277.75 monthly


  • The course includes 12 90-minute workshops, 6 60-minute support calls with hot seat style coaching, a full and new moon ceremony for each month of the container, access to the Embodied Business Coven private app fore continued support, and lifetime access to the workshop recordings.

  • Absolutely! Our community is inclusive and welcoming to individuals of all experience levels. Whether you're just beginning your journey or seeking to deepen your practice, you'll find valuable resources, support, and guidance within our membership.

  • You can connect with other members and participate in community events through our convenient app. The app allows you to join discussions, schedule co-working, network, share and ask questions, and access exclusive content from anywhere, anytime.

  • Hell no! I just dedicated this space to us because there’s not really any out there. But if you’re a woman or vulva owner ready to take off the mask and embrace your authentic self and you wanna do that in a witchy community and we are your people!

  • You’ll be billed once a month on the same day each month. That means if you signed up on the 15th, on the 15th of every month your membership will renew. If you purchase the annual membership, it’ll be billed at the same time every year. That means if you signed up and paid for the year on January 1st then on January 1st it’ll renew.

  • Course fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. If you’re unsatisfied with the course after the 1st two calls you can email us at thevalerieschrader@gmail.com to receive a refund minus $50 for the 1st workshop. After X date there wil be no refunds given.

  • Not at all! Chose the plan that fits your budget and if you find that you can’t swing the Supported access but really want to join, reach out at thevalerieschrader@gmail.com and we’ll see what we can do to help you out.

  • No worries, you’ll be able to message me in the private group chat or email me directly to ask any questions after watching the recording. If the question(s) feel like something that the entire group would benefit from I’ll make a video response and include that in our course documents.

  • There’s a lot of differences! First, we use somatic methods to deal with the root emotional causes of common business issues/struggles to create healing and clarity. We also address common issues that come up for those of us who are neurodivergent and implement practical solutions to facilitate success. We’re creating nervous system regulation and infusing that with a more holistic, regenerative method of doing business that’s ethical and sustainable.

  • If you really can’t make it to the calls, you’ll still have access to all the information and guided work we do in the calls through the recordings, and you can always message or email questions for support in our group chat.

  • This is still for you because our focus will be on cleaning up what’s not working and where you’ve been getting in your own way within your business. That means we’ll dive into your strategy and structure to see what can be improved or changed to make your business run better and smoother.