1:1 coaching for neurodivergent women/vulva owners to embrace radical self-love!

Welcome to loving yourself radically!

I’m so excited you’re here!

I’ve spent the last 20+ years working with women and vulva owners just like you and I can’t even begin to describe the magic you’re about to experience.

As a fellow neurospicy woman with CPTSD who’s overcome massive trauma and now experiences radical self-love, joy, freedom, happiness, and success on my terms I can say with certainty that everything you desire is possible.

Most of us grew up thinking we were broken, fucked up, unworthy, or incapable of achieving our goals and making our desires a reality.

It’s a bullshit lie and you are more worthy and capable than you even know!

Since you’re here I’m assuming you’ve been on a big healing journey and you’ve decided you are sick and tired of the struggle, self-doubt, lack of clarity, or resolution of the issues you’ve faced for years.

You’ve probably also struggled with things like gut issues, chronic pain, menstrual health issues, or autoimmune issues because there’s a huge link between that and unprocessed emotions/ADHD/trauma.

You’ve probably also struggled with maintaining healthy relationships and friendships, feeling confident, and managing your symptoms in a way that allows you to achieve the success you desire.

From this day forward you are done with that!

My mission is to help you reconnect with yourself and your body in a more grounded, holistic, and empowered way that embraces your neurospicy mind and aligns with the organic flow of nature.

I’m here to help you love every part of yourself including those inner child parts that learned to feel shame and fear so you can tap into your inner magic and intuition to live a life unmasked and on your terms!

If you’re ready to go on a magical journey into radical self-love with me book a 30-minute call now!

My Methodology

Somatic Experiencing

We know from tons of research that the body holds unresolved emotions and traumas.

Your organs and brain are connected and when there are unprocessed emotions those organs keep sending alerts to your brain that you’re in danger.

Over time that throws your hormones out of balance creating physical illness and dysregulation.

That leads to things like gut issues, chronic pain/fatigue, menstrual health issues, autoimmune issues, struggles managing anxiety, ADHD, and AuDHD meaning you fluctuate between spiraling, shut down, and meltdowns when overstimulated.

Talk therapy focuses on a top-down approach to intellectually understand why you are the way you are, but it doesn’t help resolve these issues, somatics does!

Somatic Experiencing is an umbrella term for methods that work to bring awareness to what you feel within your body as it relates to your patterns to then release the impact of those patterns.

Our brain’s only job is to keep us alive so the idea of changing our beliefs and patterns scares the hell out of it.

This is why somatic experiencing is so effective for the neurospicy mind.

It rewires our neuropathways through the nervous system, so our brain allows us to shift the beliefs associated with our patterns.

That means it becomes possible to make changes in your life.

Creating new patterns and beliefs that allow you to have everything you desire feels safe and pleasurable.

Parts Work

A lot of us experience the frustration of noticing ourselves repeating particular patterns and feeling like a part of us is resistant to change.

This happens because nearly 80% of our patterns and beliefs about ourselves come from our formative years which means those beliefs are still subconsciously running the show.

Parts work aka IFS Therapy helps unburden those younger parts of us that learned to feel unworthy, not good enough, fear rejection and failure, etc. by helping them receive the love, safety, and acceptance they always desired.

That unburdening process helps ease the inner critic voice that holds us back and sabotages our success allowing us to integrate these parts of us in a loving, compassionate way.

Once we’re able to do that we can connect with the empowered parts of ourselves that have big dreams and the wisdom to make them a reality.

This entire method is designed to be a gentle process and it’s becoming gaining a lot of momentum in the trauma-healing world due to its effectiveness.

My unique method of Parts Work also infuses Sensorimotor Processing.

Because the body holds a blueprint of our wounds these parts often show up as a body sensation and can impact the health of our bodies as well as create pain.

We can use those sensations to connect with the parts while alleviating pain and discomfort.

Then we use movement exercises and grounding practices associated with our empowered selves to rewire how the nervous system responds to our desires and goals making it possible to transform your life!

Trauma-Informed Care

Two things have always been important to me:

Making sure you feel safe and supported with me because the safer and more supported you feel, the more we’re able to shift and accomplish.

This means that while I’m always here to give my guidance that’s done gently and at a pace you feel comfortable going.

As someone who is an outspoken activist, an intersectional feminist, and prioritizes a decolonized approach to care I recognize that multiple things on a micro and macro level affect your ability to heal and thrive.

This is critically important in helping you move forward while recognizing the signs and symptoms of trauma and helping you effectively resolve the emotional responses to it.

That doesn’t mean coaching is a substitute for trauma therapy but it’s a wonderful compliment and a powerful next step to creating a life free of constant struggle.

Every action step we create or practice we do needs to be something you can fit into your daily life.


Because it’s gotta work for you and if it works for you, you’ll keep going till you make those dreams a reality.

So, at the end of every session, I will send you off with practical, easy-to-do homework to make it possible for you to keep the work going.

In addition, you get access to support in between sessions via WhatsApp.

Embrace your Inner Witch & Reclaim your Life and Body!

What if I told you that reclaiming your inner witch—the wild, untamed aspect of yourself is the key to unlocking your true potential?

Think about it—how much were you taught about working with your hormones and embracing the natural cycles of your body?

Chances are, not much. And the sad truth is, we're still not having these conversations because we're too scared to talk about pleasure or what's natural and normal to experience throughout our menstrual cycles, as we age, or during times of stress and change.

The women who were healers, herbalists, and midwives in their villages carried centuries of wisdom in their bones. But sadly, these wise women were silenced to promote the idea that the leaders of the church knew better.

As a result, we were taught to turn away from the natural world that helped us maintain our health and well-being.

What if we embraced a more holistic approach—one that normalizes our experiences and addresses the root causes of issues like PCOS, Endometriosis, Vaginismus, chronic pain, and autoimmune issues along with all the stress and anxiety we deal with?

We develop more confidence and self-trust which allows us to stop living for others and start living for ourselves.

Imagine feeling so good inside and out that you can confidently talk to anyone, do anything, be anything you want to be.

That’s all possible for you now…


What’s Possible for You?

  • Freedom from perfectionism, overwhelming self-doubt, anxiety, fear of being too much or not enough!

  • Increased confidence, self-love, acceptance, and trust.

  • Better financial health and more money coming in.

  • Confidently asking and receiving better pay and job opportunities.

  • More time for yourself, hobbies, and relationships without the guilt.

  • Mind Blowing pleasure in every cell of your body.

  • Better intimacy and connection in all relationships, new and old ones.

  • Confidently setting and upholding boundaries with partners, family, friends, etc.

  • Loving your body and feeling more present and connected to it.

  • Reduction in chronic pain and ailments associated with emotional blocks, stress, anxiety, and burnout.

Are you ready… cause I am!

Here’s a recap of everything you get when you work with me:

*75-90 minutes 1-on-1 coaching sessions (all lessons fully recorded if desired)

*Private weekly support during our container via Slack or WhatsApp (up to 30 minutes)

*Co-creating a blueprint and action steps forward to fit you and your schedule with tailored homework practices.

* Inner and outer world transformation to have the life, pleasure, relationships, and career you desire!


Single 90-minute Session: $185

Monthly Plan Options:

12 Sessions + WhatsApp Access, 8 Months to use your sessions.

Supported Pricing

8 Monthly Payments for $240

Fair Pricing

8 Monthly Payments for $255

Rebalanced Pricing

8 Monthly Payments for $270

Whether paying by session or a package you’ll receive a discount on your first payment for the cost of the discovery call.


  • At the start of our container, we’ll establish a few goals for yourself and then identify the struggle in making those goals a reality. From there every single session we’ll spend time diving into the internal hang-ups getting in the way of your success to clear the blocks. Then we’ll establish a few action steps for you to take based on what we clear. That will look like practical actions based on your goals along with some somatic experiencing practices to do in between sessions. That way you pair the internal and external work to get where you want to be!

  • Therapy focuses on addressing past trauma/pain and developing coping skills. Coaching focuses on addressing the issues you're currently dealing with and developing internal and external solutions to resolve them. In coaching, there is often past trauma/pain causing the current struggles however our focus is on addressing the current struggles. That means we aren’t focusing our time on diving into every bit of your past trauma, we’re focusing on building solutions! This can be a great compliment to traditional talk therapy or done all on its own for those of you who are already aware of past trauma and feel ready to create big changes in your life now!

  • No problem, things come up and I understand that. Sessions can be rescheduled up to 24 hours before a session. After that, if there’s a medical emergency or otherwise it’s my discretion to reschedule without losing the currently scheduled session so reach out via WhatsApp or email as soon as possible. No-shows automatically result in the loss of a session.

  • Yes! As long as you’re committed and ready to the work, we can create amazing progress toward your desires. We’re still gonna work at your pace and with the in-between session WhatsApp support we can address any issues or resistance that comes up so you can make continued progress. While I can’t guarantee everything you desire will be accomplished in any specific timeline, I’ve seen clients experience radical transformation in just 6 months of work together.

  • The payment plan is auto charged to whatever card you used to purchase it monthly on the same day each month until paid. So, if you purchased it on the 15th, every 15th until it’s paid off, you’ll be charged.

  • All sessions are held via Zoom so you can book from anywhere in the world. Once your application is reviewed and approved, I’ll email you times and dates to book the first session. After that we’ll reschedule at the end of every call.

  • You can cancel at any time by emailing me at thevalerieschrader@gmail.com at least 5 business days before you next autopay date. If you have any remaining sessions, you’ll have 30 days to use them before they expire.

  • No problem, they’ll roll over into the next month with 30 days to use it.